Of all the gay things out there in the media, gay actors, gay shows, gay music, gay everything. I know for a lot of my peers those things may have helped them out, but for me the movie is really what has spoken to me the most. The movie Brokeback Mountain is what I feel gets me the most. I am from a southern state where cowboys and farms and ignorant red necks are what the norm is. My dad was raised in a farm his how life, my mom super religious, whenever I saw this movie , I thought to myself wow is this how my life is going be , me marrying a woman having kids, living a double life and never being happy! For a while I aint going lie, I thought my life was going be exactly like Brokeback Mountain, but my urge of wanting to get out of the small town life and new experiences and not giving up has brought me to this great city I live now.
In a perfect world I could mix my southern pride/gay lifestyle together and nothing be wrong , but of course life has just made that impossible, watching Brokeback Mountain was such a reality check, I felt like my life was going be a waste in my small southern town , never happy made me turn my fear into my strength !
Watching the movie is a really strong emotional thing for me, I have friends back home who are also in the same situation but have decided to just live through it! I just prayed they have the strength to do it. Once again I am sorry for always bitching about how being gay sucks!!! But I am not use to the idea yet it’s so hard, I just hope expressing myself in my blogs is helping me out in some way.I feel like my acceptance of myself is like if I were bipolar I can be ok with it but a few seconds later I can hate everything about myself! I wish someone could understand me!