Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to real life. Jan 28,2011

Well today has been a super eventful day. Went to the airport and barley made it to the airplane, had a rough hangover. Last night  was my last night in Cabo and since tiff’s family own three, five stars restaurants in Cabo we decided to start our night there at the bar area, I had told myself that night that I was going be responsible because  I had to wake up at a decent time to pack my suitcase. Well none of that really happen ended up going to bed at 5 super late since we stayed up drinking beer, and smoking hookah all night only got about 5 good hours of sleep. The airplane ride would had been a whole lot better if only I would had paid the extra 50 dollars for first class, the whole time I had a really annoying little girl that I swear did not shut her mouth the whole trip, I could had choked that little girl.
Finally arrive to my destination and waited in the airport about an hour for my new roommate to get off work so I could head over to my new apartment super pump!! I left my old apartment which was in the new hip  district and all the bars and cool restaurants, but would take me about 30 mins to get to my university every day and I was over that, My new apartment is in the middle of all the business buildings  in the heart of the city, super cool. Plus my roommate is a really nice guy from Texas 25 years has the typical frat look brown hair, and strong blue eyes and a strong jaw line , his straight though so it’s cool we both love basketball and football we talked a lot of sports today. He has landed a very good job, he studied the same thing I am so that’s awesome since he might be able to help me out in the future.
We talked about many things his a great guy deff going be good friends. Funny thing is that I mention him that where we live is kind of close to the gay district and he said yeah but wasn’t worry when he saw me because he has a very good gay radar haha guess not good enough

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